"Mommy, take some pictures of me and Hans." This was said after I snapped a few of Mead. He is jealous every now and then, but ADORES his baby brother. He helps me give him a bath, feed him, burp him, puts his pacifier in, and consoles him when he is crying. He is a great big brother.
We are working on potty training. He poops in the potty. He has not gone in his diaper at all...knock on wood. He is still not peeing all the time and having accidents. Seems a little backwards, but whatever we are working on it.
When he is told "no" or he is being corrected... He crosses his arms and tells me "Really Honey?". It is hard not to laugh. We have had lots of trips to timeout and have our good days and bad days. I think it will be better after school starts and we have a routine. He has had a lot of tv watching. This is good and bad. I feel guilty for letting him watch so much, but oh well.
He is a little sponge! He knows ALL of the words to numerous songs. His memory amazes me! He gets this from his Dad. He also plays on the iPad independently. It is one of his favorite things to do. He loves all the educational apps and we work on them together. The kid knows a lot! He is really in to Dinosaurs, Disney Junior, Music, robots, play doh. He is still eating well. He has his favorite foods, but will try anything...especially if it is on his Dad's plate. He is still really attached to his Dad at the moment.
He was sleeping through the night, but has been waking up a lot lately. He is scared of the "shadow monster" that is in his room. He also is really scared of storms right now. Declan would never get out of his bed and call me when he needed me. He has done this since we moved him to his big boy bed. Well, not anymore. We woke up to him in our bed last night. Hoping this does not continue!
As I'm writing this Declan just gave me his cup and said "I need some juice, Babe.". He says some funny things. Love him SO much.