Wood's World

Wood's World

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Home Sweet Home

We are moved in and loving our new home! We have so much more room, a nice yard, family close by and we are
in a great area! We still have a few things to organize, but it already feels like home. I could not have done it without my mom. You all would have no idea that she is 63 and a grandmother with the things she moved and the energy she has. She knew I wanted to get it all done and settled before school starts and she busted her butt to help me...every single day. Thank you, Mom for EVERYTHING!!! We are so happy here, but I will miss our old house. That's where we brought our boys home and it was a great home. I know it is just a house, but I loved it there and a lot of great memories were made!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

We're Alive:)

We have been busy moving! Very busy! My mom and I have been moving a little at a time and the big stuff will be moved this weekend. Moving with an almost 3 year old and 5 week old is a bit stressful. There is absolutely no way I could do it without my Mom. To the rescue she comes again. I think she needs a cape to wear:)

I did take Mead to the doctor last Friday. He is a healthy little boy! 11lbs. 9 oz. (90%), 23 1/2 inches (98%) and 15 something for his noggin (98%). His head was a little large, but then she saw his big brothers, so she wasn't so worried, but they will keep an eye on it. Still has reflux, but other than that we have another healthy little boy. So thankful!!!

My favorite picture so far of our boys snuggled up in bed:)

Starting to smile!

A day after moving things to our new house. He has NEVER fallen asleep anywhere but his bed and occasionally the car. This picture says it all.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Stressed? Nah!

I go back to work August 2nd. School starts the 6th. I have to be there when my kiddos start. It is so important for me to start the year with them. I will have at least one new kiddo that I know of this year. That can always change;). I finished up the year and moved classrooms, but have everything ready for this school year. I also have the world's best parapros to help with everything. My principal emailed me to see if I wanted to change rooms because they are possibly adding another ASD class at our school... Not going to lie...that stressed me out, but I will do whatever. I work well under pressure;). I am so excited about the school year. I LOVE my job. I LOVE being a mom too, but I still have such a passion for teaching. I thought that would change when I had a second child, but nope. Not ready to give up teaching...not yet. The boys will be right around the corner from me with a wonderful lady and they will be together. I find so much comfort in that and it allows me to do my job and focus on my students.

Now...the start of school is stressful, but let's add moving to that. We have to be out of our house the end of this month. We have just outgrown this house. I love it so much and the location, but we just need more space. We will still be inside the perimeter, but I sure will miss the view of the city from our front porch. But... I am also happy my boys will have a yard to play in and a bigger house to run around in. We will also be around the corner from my Uncle Ted (who Mead is named after) and my Aunt Susan. They are the reason we are getting to move to this house. It is funny how things workout sometimes. So excited for this move!!! Moving sucks! If you have done it then you know...so I think you should come and help:)

We will be having Declan's bday party at the new house either on his actual bday or the weekend after...just because I wanted to add more to my plate. We will figure it out. We always do!

Stay tuned...and seriously if you want to help, come on!!!!

Declan Update

"Mommy, take some pictures of me and Hans." This was said after I snapped a few of Mead. He is jealous every now and then, but ADORES his baby brother. He helps me give him a bath, feed him, burp him, puts his pacifier in, and consoles him when he is crying. He is a great big brother.

We are working on potty training. He poops in the potty. He has not gone in his diaper at all...knock on wood. He is still not peeing all the time and having accidents. Seems a little backwards, but whatever we are working on it.

When he is told "no" or he is being corrected... He crosses his arms and tells me "Really Honey?". It is hard not to laugh. We have had lots of trips to timeout and have our good days and bad days. I think it will be better after school starts and we have a routine. He has had a lot of tv watching. This is good and bad. I feel guilty for letting him watch so much, but oh well.

He is a little sponge! He knows ALL of the words to numerous songs. His memory amazes me! He gets this from his Dad. He also plays on the iPad independently. It is one of his favorite things to do. He loves all the educational apps and we work on them together. The kid knows a lot! He is really in to Dinosaurs, Disney Junior, Music, robots, play doh. He is still eating well. He has his favorite foods, but will try anything...especially if it is on his Dad's plate. He is still really attached to his Dad at the moment.

He was sleeping through the night, but has been waking up a lot lately. He is scared of the "shadow monster" that is in his room. He also is really scared of storms right now. Declan would never get out of his bed and call me when he needed me. He has done this since we moved him to his big boy bed. Well, not anymore. We woke up to him in our bed last night. Hoping this does not continue!

As I'm writing this Declan just gave me his cup and said "I need some juice, Babe.". He says some funny things. Love him SO much.

Mead is 1 Month Old

Mead is one month old! I will take him to the doctor next week for his well check up. We did go to the doctor on Monday to check for reflux. One of my sweetest friends from high school, Lindsay, came to visit and brought us a ton of food last weekend. While she was here Mead was very fussy and inconsolable. He was displaying all the classic signs of reflux just like his big brother. I suspected he had it, but it was really bad when Linds was here. I was glad she was here to work her baby magic;)

So...it was confirmed on Monday that he does have reflux. Mead was prescribed Prevacid and she suggested we switch formulas. The formula switch was not a good idea for this little baby. We tried two different kinds and he threw them both up. We are sticking to the formula we were on which he loves and have started the Prevacid. He seems to be feeling better. I do know he was 10.5 lbs, but that is it. Clearly he is not having a hard time gaining weight with spitting up some.

He is up a lot more and a really happy baby! We are getting 4 and 5 hour stretches between feelings now. Hope that continues)

I will update with his stats after his appointment:)

Here are some one month pictures! The onesie was made by my BFF Kendra. My girls made one with love for every month;) but this one was made with love by KK.

Isn't he cute?!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Love These Two

Picture fun in their shirts from Aunt Staci:). They are such good sports!

Happy Bday America!

We had a very busy 3rd and 4th of July! We took Declan to downtown Norcross on the 3rd to see the fireworks. It turned out to be a train wreck! The weather did not cooperate and all 4 of us were soaked, miserable, and mad. Declan was really let down that he didn't get to see the fireworks...so Jason and Chris headed to South Carolina on the fourth to pick up fireworks for him! So sweet!

While the big boys went on a fireworks mission, I took the little boys to visit Gi Gi! This was the first time Grandmama Got to meet Mead and had all 6 of her great grandchildren together. It was ver special!

After nap, we headed to Uncle Chris and Aunt Lauren's for a cookout with Jason's family and the fireworks from SC. Declan did NOT love the fireworks. He was okay watching them from inside, but was not a big fan!

It was a fun fourth spent with our families:)

Mrs. Mead and Mr. Mead:)

Playing th iPad with Gi Gi

Gi Gi and her great grandchildren

All of us:)

4 generations!

Grandpa and Mead

Grandpa and his boys

Grandma and Mead

Jason and Chris

Liam and Mead