Wood's World

Wood's World

Thursday, October 13, 2011


I pretty much had 4 men that were extremely influential in my life...My Dad, Uncle Ted, John, and Harold. I say "had" because I have lost John and Harold in the past month.

We lost Harold the beginning of this week, also suddenly, and attended his funeral yesterday.
Harold was my Dad's first friend when he moved from Atlanta to Washington D.C. I have known Harold for my entire life. Some of my first childhood memories have Harold in them. He also lived with us for a short time and I have wonderful memories of our time together then. He had such a great sense of humor and always made me laugh!!! I can hear his voice and laugh now with that Jamaican accent that he never lost. I miss him already.

It truly makes me physically sick when I think about how I will never see either of these amazing men...ever again. They both had such a huge impact on my life and I just imagined life with them always there.

My heart hurts so badly for my parents too. They have lost another best friend. They are being so strong and I'm so proud of them. I know it is not easy...

I have also let my dad and uncle know that I will personally kick their ass if they even think about leaving me now!!!

I have also learned that life is way too short. People always say that, but I actually get it now. Pretty crazy that I learned it at 31, but I have. These two men have taught me to live life to the fullest and take nothing for granted!

The day after John's funeral, Harold showed up randomly at my parent's house. Harold knew John and was so upset to hear about his sudden death. Harold visited with my parents, caught up on life, shared memories, and maybe had a cocktail or two. After leaving their house he tried to call my sister and catch up with her(not sure where my call was...joking). Take away from that story what you want, but I find it very coincidental and it gives me goosebumps, but I will leave it to you to interpret it. I do know in my heart that John greeted Harold in heaven and they are having some drinks and smiling down on all of us:) I have to believe that. It makes my heart happy!

Here's to you Harold! A shot of Jay Wray & Nephew!!! RIP! Love you!!! "Jamaicans never lie!"- HDS

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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