Wood's World

Wood's World

Monday, June 18, 2012


Has been SUPER DAD! We have been through a lot the past couple of weeks, hell the past 9 months, but we made it through our first (almost) week of a family of four! I have had to rely on Jason a lot lately. I know, I know it is what he is supposed to do because he is the husband and father, but it still has not been easy. I have not been the most pleasant and it is really hard for me to try and recover and let everyone else take charge. He has definitely stepped up to the plate and has been amazing. He has been so great to me and our boys. I knew I picked a good one:). Watching him with our boys has definitely made me fall even more in love with him.

If I don't tell you enough, Honey, or bite your head off after you have worked hard all day, taken care of me and the boys...please remind me of this post and know how grateful I am to have you for a husband and appreciate all that you do for our family and how lucky the boys are to have you for their father. We love you so much!

Your Hormonal Wife

Happy Father's Day

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