Wood's World

Wood's World

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

So much to be thankful for...

With all of the tragic losses of friends that were essentially family in the past several months it is sometimes hard to be thankful. That's when you actually have to step back and be thankful for what you have...not what you don't. I'm thankful for the time I had with each of these incredible people and the memories that I made with each of them. My heart still hurts and I think about each of them every single day. I'm also very thankful that this little baby has 3 guardian angels looking over it! They would have been so excited about another Wood baby!

Yep! Declan is going to be a BIG BROTHER!!! Jason and I are beyond thrilled! We definitely have so much to be thankful for. This was my first US confirming that there was only one baby since we have a history of twins. I'm 10 weeks, which is still early, but I felt it was time to share. It has been kind of doom and gloom lately and this is the best news. My due date is June 20th. I have been feeling great, but exhausted. Jason has been so patient and supportive. I seriously could not ask for a better husband. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers for a healthy pregnancy.

So thankful for....
The love of my life, my best friend, my world
Our hilarious, kind-hearted, and healthy little boy that we love unconditionally
So lucky to have such an amazing and supportive family that I love so much
I have the BEST friends a girl could EVER ask for
Great Health
My students past and present
I learn from you all everyday...patience, understanding, and love. Sometimes I think you teach me more than I teach you all!

I hope everyone enjoys their Thanksgiving with family and friends!!!


  1. Wow Stef!!!!! Congrats to the whole family. :) SOOOOOO excited for you all!
