Wood's World

Wood's World

Thursday, October 18, 2012

4 Months Old!

Our sweet and happy Mead had his 4 month old check up! I want to say that Kristin made his onesie! He is a happy little baby and smiles ALL of the time! He is sleeping through the night...sometimes. He likes to sleep on his tummy and daycare will not put him on his tummy because of SIDS and it is their policy. Mead is rolling over a ton, but it takes him a minute...he has some weight on him:). Anyway he is not sleeping a lot during the day so it is very hard to keep him up at night. We will try crying it out soon.

He had a great appointment. His testicle has still not descended, but they won't do surgery until 6 months. We are hoping it will drop by his 6 month or we will go see a urologist and go from there! Not a huge issue! He does not have a milk allergy and the Prevacid is working. He does have torticollis, but not enough for PT, so we will do some stretches and daycare is on board! I tried so hard for him not to get it...guess I carry my kids differently. Naturally I blame myself. Again there are way worse things to worry about!

Mead's Stats
Weight: 16lbs. 13oz 75%
Height: 26 1/2 90%
Head: 17 90%

We will start rice cereal next month probably. You are also allowed to give your child anything except honey and whole milk if they want it and can have it. My how times have changed. Ummmm...and I am not a Doctor, that just came from our pediatrician and what we plan on doing!

So thankful for this healthy baby boy! Every. Single. Day.

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