Wood's World

Wood's World

Friday, October 15, 2010

Our Little Explorer

I love this picture! His hair is growing so fast after it was just cut and the big scrape on his head. He is ALL boy!
Walking around with his dad's grilling tools.

Yay! He loves to clap for himself. He knows how cute he is already. T-R-O-U-B-L-E!!!

This one cracks me up! Petting Dixon while his pees. These two are definitely very fond of each other...as long as Declan keeps dropping food for him :-)

Declan loves to play outside as soon as we get home from our long day. He walks around the backyard picking up everything and bringing to me as he babbles. It is so fun watching him explore and take everything in. He also anxiously awaits the arrival of his dad. Anytime he sees or hears a car he says "Da Da?" This little boy LOVES his dad!

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