Wood's World

Wood's World

Monday, August 13, 2012

Mead is TWO Months!

The BEST baby in the world is two months old today. He seriously is so good! God blessed us with great babies! He is a chunky monkey and so happy! He rarely cries! He is still sleeping in our room. The crib broke in the move and it needs repair or we have to get a new one. He sleeps in his rocker( best gift evere) which is wonderful for his reflux, but we need to move him into his own room. He is eating 4-41/2 ounces every 3 hours with one 7 hour stretch at night. I think he is getting close to sleeping through the night! He loves to be swaddled and does not really have any interest in his paci like his big brother. He is so easy so far and I hope it stays that way. Declan continues to be an amazing big bro and loves Mead so much! They are going to be best friends! I'm taking both of them to the doctor next week, so I will have their stats. Life is so good in the Wood house right now! Love our family of four:)

Chunky Monkey!

Declan has to be in the pictures too of course:)

Look at that dimple!

Big boy!

Love his hair!

That smile warms my heart!

Happy 2 months!

The onesie was designed by Jill, but recreated by Kendra! Long story;). Thank you!

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