Sunday, August 29, 2010
Very Thankful
Life is really good right now. Life has definitely been a rollercoaster lately, but we are at the top of the hill...this week anyway :-) I am just loving my little family so much and I am so thankful for both Jason and Declan. I'm also so happy to have Jason home with us. He has been so helpful and I appreciate it so much. I'm not very good for asking and he is not very good at offering, so we have met in the middle. It has definitely made my life easier.
I'm loving watching Declan's little personality shine through and watching him come into his own. I love watching him stack things, sort his shapes, imitate me or Jason, laugh, throw his sippy cup, fall to the floor and have a fit, walk to me with open arms and a huge smile, when he brings his book for me to read to him at night while saying "nigh nigh," when he hears the train by our house he says "coo coo," playing with his dad, when I tell him no...he grins. Whether it is good or bad, I just love watching him grow! He continues to amaze us daily.
I am just very thankful for my boys! No matter what is going on in life...thinking about them or being with them makes me smile! I feel so proud when I say "that's my husband," or "that's my son. I feel so lucky and blessed to be loved so much and to give it back.
Kind of weird post, right?! Just a happy weekend and happy mood!
Visit With The GMA!
Declan and I met my mom over at the nursing home to brighten Grandmama's worked! Declan loves his GiGi and always has a blast with her no matter what we are doing. He was pretty excited to see his Cyn Cyn too! Mom and I did a little cleaning and some maintenance stuff in gma's room. Declan helped in between eating. I swear all this kid does is eat...hence the nickname "Biscuit."
Best of Friends...They Have No Choice:-)
We went over to the Nau's on Saturday, so the kids could play and Jason and I could spend some time with Kendra and Bryan. I was in desperate need of some best friend time! I'm sure there will be a lot more time to hang with football season around the corner. It is so much fun to watch Declan and Rylan interact these days. They really are two of the cutest children on the planet! It also has been so fun having a child the same time as my best friend!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Ms. Rylan
Rylan turned 1 on the 20th! She and Declan are 9 days apart! Kendra and Bryan had family and friends over to celebrate her big day on Saturday. It was so fun! Kids everywhere! Rylan looked beautiful and was precious! Pictures, you ask? Didn't take one! Awful Auntie Stef! Happy Bday, Rylan! We love you!
I was also taken back by the fact that my friends all took the time to get Declan a present for his bday and he had his own pile of gifts. I thought that was so thoughtful! He is one spoiled little boy and I am one lucky girl to have the friends that I have! LOVE YOU, GIRLS! You know who you are :-)
I was also taken back by the fact that my friends all took the time to get Declan a present for his bday and he had his own pile of gifts. I thought that was so thoughtful! He is one spoiled little boy and I am one lucky girl to have the friends that I have! LOVE YOU, GIRLS! You know who you are :-)
These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things...
I LOVE my boys! He loves to cuddle with Jason!!! I think this picture is priceless!
I love my horsey!
Declan is thrilled and thinks he is big stuff now that he can walk! We definitely have a walker on our hands and NO MORE BOTTLES!!! Yay! He transitioned so well this time. We tried 2 weeks ago and baby boy was not ready and was sure to let his mama know!
His favorite things...
Definitely not a picky eater but here are some of his favorites.
-waffles, pancakes, french toast
-chicken nuggets
-cream of wheat
-all fruit
-apple juice
-apple sauce
-carrots, potatoes, peas, green beans
-chicken dance elmo
-cozy coupe
-thomas train rider
-farm friends on the fridge
-a monkey that lights up
*his blanket...see pictures
-Good Night Moon
-Hop on Pop
-Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can you?
-On the Night You Were Born (Every child needs this is precious! Jill gave it to him for his bday and I LOVE it...and so does he)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
We have a Walker!
The Dew started walking today. It happened so fast! I picked him up from Ms. Jeannie's and he walked right to me. She said he hadn't done that all day. I think she was just trying to be nice, but I'll take it. We got home and I put him down and he started walking all over the place! I'm so glad that Jason was in town to see it. He even stood up and walked. Go Declan, Go! He also shakes his head no when you ask him any question. So funny! My sweet boy is back! Not sure what happened last month?! Let's blame it on teething! Ha ha!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
The Festivities Finally Come to an End...
Thursday, August 12, 2010
1 Year Stats and First Week of School DONE!
8 years of teaching and this by far has been my MOST challenging first week...EVER! I am absolutely in love with my new little ones and cannot wait to see them grow this year. I am blessed with two wonderful parapros that help run my room. I truly would be lost without them! I have already had one little friend that had to go to the ER for an allergic reaction and another one that pulled the fire alarm causing the entire school to evacuate the building. Lots of challenges this year, but I wouldn't have it any other way. So happy and blessed to work with these kids!!!
I took Declan to his 1 year appointment today. He survived and did pretty well with the shots, but was definitely worn out and was in bed by 6:00. He is 22 1/2 lbs. and 30 inches long (50th%). His head however is on the 90%. Can anyone guess where he got that attribute? He is healthy, happy, and...let's just say feisty and not afraid to let you know what he wants (by throwing a bottle...or trying to hit or bite you):-) Who could ask for anything more?
I am definitely very anxious to leave work after the day is over and anticipate the weekends because it is more time I get to spend with The DEW. The best feeling in the world is picking him up from Ms. Jeannie's and seeing him sprint crawl to me. Melts my heart everyday.
I took Declan to his 1 year appointment today. He survived and did pretty well with the shots, but was definitely worn out and was in bed by 6:00. He is 22 1/2 lbs. and 30 inches long (50th%). His head however is on the 90%. Can anyone guess where he got that attribute? He is healthy, happy, and...let's just say feisty and not afraid to let you know what he wants (by throwing a bottle...or trying to hit or bite you):-) Who could ask for anything more?
I am definitely very anxious to leave work after the day is over and anticipate the weekends because it is more time I get to spend with The DEW. The best feeling in the world is picking him up from Ms. Jeannie's and seeing him sprint crawl to me. Melts my heart everyday.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
What a Difference One Year Makes!
He looks like a little boy now! Where did my baby go?!
See...he does not always smile. This was taken at 6:30 this boy was NOT ready to celebrate his big day!
The Dew turned ONE today! Wow! I think I am having a harder time with Declan turning ONE than me turning THIRTY in October. I cannot believe this time last year we welcomed our little boy into the world two weeks early. Our little "Benjamin Button" has turned into the most adorable, yet feisty child on the planet! I thank God everyday for Declan and our healthy and happy family. This year has flown by. Time always seemed to stand still before we had a child and now it flies by. We are so in love with Declan and cannot believe that he is already one!
Thank you to all of our family and friends for all of the sweet messages and bday wishes. It really means a lot to us! This little boy has been so loved by everyone since day one.
The bday boy woke up pretty cranky today and remained that way all day. He has two more teeth coming in, so we will blame it on that. Jason is out of town, so I thought it was just going to be me and Declan which would have been fine, but pretty boring for his actual bday. Cyn Cyn came to the rescue and was at our house after school to celebrate. She could not stand to not see him on his actual bday (we ae celebrating with my fam on Saturday) Declan opened his gifts, we had dinner, and then the "Biscuit" had 3 baby cupcakes. Not too shabby for his first bday.
I am so in love with him and so thankful for him that I cannot stand it!!!! Here are some pics!
Thank you to all of our family and friends for all of the sweet messages and bday wishes. It really means a lot to us! This little boy has been so loved by everyone since day one.
The bday boy woke up pretty cranky today and remained that way all day. He has two more teeth coming in, so we will blame it on that. Jason is out of town, so I thought it was just going to be me and Declan which would have been fine, but pretty boring for his actual bday. Cyn Cyn came to the rescue and was at our house after school to celebrate. She could not stand to not see him on his actual bday (we ae celebrating with my fam on Saturday) Declan opened his gifts, we had dinner, and then the "Biscuit" had 3 baby cupcakes. Not too shabby for his first bday.
I am so in love with him and so thankful for him that I cannot stand it!!!! Here are some pics!
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