Wood's World

Wood's World

Friday, November 12, 2010

15 Months, SE and Nicole :-)

Declan had his 15 month check-up yesterday.  He was a trooper through his vaccines and his flu shot.  I was very glad to have Jason there with us!  Declan remains in the 50% for weight and height, and is still at the top of the curve in head circumference.  He has pretty much stayed consistent every visit.  Dr. Elliott said he was perfectly healthy and looking great.  He also asked about his language and was quite impressed where he was developmentally and said that he is where he should be at 18 months already!  That's our boy!  He did notice that Declan had some fluid in his right ear, so he gave The Dew a prescription to Amoxicillin, but told us not to use it unless he needed it...the fluid could just be a sign of the onset of a cold, so make sure he needed it before we gave it to him.  Other than that it was an uneventful visit!  Yay!

 What an absolutely beautiful little girl...just like her Mom!

Playing with Uncle Jason!

After the doctor, Nicole and Sawyer met us at the house and Nicole and I took the kids out for dinner.  It was great to catch up with one of my BFFs.  She has had a REALLY rough year and I am amazed at how strong she still remains and what a wonderful single mother she is.  I could not even imagine doing it on my own.  She is way better off without the D Bag ex-husband, but I know it has not been easy for her!!!  SE and The Dew had so much fun playing together.  Thank God Sawyer has her mother's laid back and wonderful personality!  She is so fun to be around and Declan adored her.  I took a couple of cute pictures!!

1 comment:

  1. Love you guys!! We had such a wonderful time with you guys, and we can't wait to do it again. PS- I would have never been able to make it through without you :-)
